- 1915-01-07 Posted Depot in England
- 1915-04-07 Posted 3rd Battalion
- 1915-07-07 Discharged being no longer physically fit for War Service
- Gun Shot Wound Left Arm
- Address: 26 Harrow St, Marylebone, London
- Character Fair
NOK: Mother: Mary 311 (3a?) Devonshire Street, Lisson Grove, Marylebone [Now called Ashmill Street]; 4 Brothers: Thomas, Charles, Albert (older), Richard; 1 Sister: Martha
- 1915-08-22 Royal Hospital Chelsea advised OC 3rd Manchester of John’s pension, 12s 6p a week for 12 months conditional
- 1916-10-14 #19074 War Badge
- 1916-04-04 daughter Marion
- 1918-??-?? son Thomas
- 1919-01-29 son Charles
- 1919-02-08 Edith Coster dies
- 1919-03-13 John acknowledged receipt King’s Certificate, showing 26 Harrow Street, Marylebone, London address
- 1920-06-28 Grace Rose Mitson born, 26 Harrow Street, Marylebone, NW1 [Now Gone - was off Lisson Street until flyover was built]
- Mother: Grace Rose Domeney
- John’s occupation given as Book Clerk
- 1921-11-27 Lillian May Mitson born (probably Harrow Street)
- 1922-01-26 John acknowledged receipt BWM and Victory Medals
- 1924-05-18 Death, 26 Harrow St, NW due to Phthisis (advanced or chronic pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs, consumption) and Heart Failure
Informant: Mrs. G.R. Mitson, Widow
John’s Occupation: Road Labourer
Medals Issued: 14 Star, British War, and Victory (7219B)